Sunday, June 12, 2005

Vioxx attorney

The advantage to retaining a Vioxx attorney is that the victim will be represented by an attorney who understands their problems. Experienced Vioxx attorneys understand the long-term implications of the side-effects for plaintiffs and their families, which means Vioxx attorneys are prepared to fight to ensure that their clients receive full and proper compensation. Many Vioxx attorneys are able to obtain large settlements from defendant corporations without having to go to trial. Vioxx attorneys can also help victims and their families form reasonable expectations and make sound decisions. Vioxx attorneys are familiar with the very specific regulations that govern medical products liability; a Vioxx attorney can usually provide more accurate information than a regular attorney. Before the withdrawal of Vioxx, the FDA announced that patients taking Vioxx have a 50 percent greater chance of heart attacks and sudden cardiac death. The study, presented at an epidemiologists conference, also found patients taking the highest recommended daily dosage of Vioxx had three times the risk of heart attack and sudden cardiac death as those not taking standard painkillers. A vioxx attorney can help you get a favorable settlement.


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