Sunday, June 12, 2005

Sell Your Timeshare

Timeshares are ownership that involves the acquisition of a specific period of time or percentage of interest in a vacation home or resort. Most timeshares can be sold or rented. When selling a timeshare you should decide whether a quick sell or getting most of your money back is more important. Ideally, you would like to have both but, selling a timeshare is usually time sensitive and seldom will you get your original investment back. Most timeshares are for specific weeks of the year if your timeshare is off peak it may be a harder sale. Location of a timeshare will also effect the sale of a timeshare. If you have a timeshare location that is not popular you may be hard pressed to find a buyer. There are many agencies on the internet that can assist you in selling a timeshare. Shop around for competitive commissions and track records. Some agencies specialize in selling timeshares by location or price range. Make sure to check with state real estate commissions to verify that the company and its salespeople are licensed to practice real estate in the states they operate in. Selling a timeshare can be quick and easy if the price is right.


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