Friday, October 06, 2006

what said about live tv streaming technology

what said about live tv streaming technology???....Mr Fairu said...
The internet as infrastructure Digitisation allows many kinds of content to be delivered over different networks, and the Internet has become a global infrastructure for communication, opening up myriad possibilities for new industries and services. Convergence between devices picks up speed as technology gaps between TV and PC diminishes. PCs and TVs will talk the same digital language making it significantly easier to download digital video content over the internet to a PC and then play it back on the TV. With an increasing percentage of the population viewing and listening to rich media distributed via the Internet, broadcasters are expected by the public to provide the same (or better!) service online as offline (i.e. TV and radio). But this is not the case today because the current distribution architecture makes live streaming very inefficient and expensive.

How can we help?
A peer-to-peer (or P2P) computer network relies on the computing power and bandwidth of the participants in the network rather than concentrating it in a relatively low number of servers. When using this technology, the bandwidth requirement of the broadcast is intelligently distributed over the entire network of participants, instead of being centralised at the broadcast's origin; as the audience grows so do the network resources available to distribute that broadcast without adding any additional bandwidth costs. This makes broadcasting over the internet completely scalable and eliminates the success penalty broadcasters normally experience.

How does it work?
Essentially, SyokTV provides a solution for intelligently distributing live content (whether it is audio, video or flash animations) via a peer network or grid.
Illustration 1 shows a grid network formed by ICD to distribute a stream. Only a fraction of users are directly connected to the stream's source. This means the cost to the distributor is only a fraction of what it might be. The majority of users are receiving portions of the stream from other users with latent upload resources. The more users in the audience, the more resources become available, so there is no incremental cost as the audience scales.

The SyokTV ICD (Intelligent Content Distribution) Server provides the initial contact point for clients in the network. When initially installed, the ICD Server connects to the broadcaster’s existing media server and begins receiving the stream, maintaining a buffer of stream data in memory at all times. It then begins accepting connections from clients and serving them with the stream. When launched by a user, the ICD Client first contacts the ICD Server and begins receiving the stream from it. The media player plays the stream as it is received by the ICD Client. If it has available resources, the ICD Client also accepts connections from other clients in the grid to which it may relay a portion or the whole stream it receives as requested.

The ICD Client monitors the quality of the stream it is receiving and upon any reduction of quality or loss of connection it again searches the grid for available resources while continuing to serve the media player from its buffer. The buffer prevents interruption to the playback and ensures that the end-user experience is not affected.
The ICD Server is always available as a last resort for clients that cannot find sufficient available resources in the grid. This guarantees a constant seed of the stream.
In addition, the SyokTV solution enables monitoring and management of all content that is delivered into the SyokTV delivery grid. This means that we allow for reporting and digital rights management.

GO live tv streaming..NO NEED TO BUY TV..just using your computer,syoktv already get 900,000 hits per they do,may be we have to learn how do that.How..How..great job

The Best Software For Your Kids

Computers are all the rage today for people of all ages including children. There are many different types of software that you can choose from when it comes to picking something for your children to enjoy on the computer. Depending on the age bracket of your children you will have to take some time to choose software that does what you want it to do.

For the younger child aged three to five there is software that features some of their favorite television characters such as Dora the Explorer or Bob the Builder. Your children will be both entertained and educated as they play games, learn the alphabet, and learn to count. Software for very young children is easy for them to play so that you�re not always coming to their assistance whenever they press a wrong key.

Software for older children aged five to ten has even more interactive features than software for the younger child. You can buy software that is exclusively for learning and software that will only provide entertainment. Most software comes with a rating to let you know that it doesn't contain any material that is inappropriate for children. Some types of software for this age group of children include puzzle games, software for learning a second language, math and science software, video game software, software for the artist, and software that allows your child to connect with the internet and play games with other children around the world.

Software for teens is something that you�ll need to supervise a little more closely since much of the software on the market can be objectionable and will often test the morals and virtues that you are trying to teach your children. When you buy software for your teen make sure that you take a good long look at what the software is all about, since many of the software games can feature a large amount of violence. There are, of course, software programs for your teen that are educational as well as fun and that they can use to enhance their schoolwork.

With so many different software choices out there how do you know that you�re making the right choices? Check out some of the parental listings that can be found on the internet. Many parent websites will offer you advice and ratings for much of the new software that comes out each month. This way you can be assured that other parents are approving a certain piece of software before you make your purchase.

Keep in mind that you should always limit the amount of time that your children spend on the computer. Children should be encouraged to spend just as much time playing outdoors as they do playing and learning on the computer.

About the author:

Zack Macchio is a software enthusiast and webmaster of "Software - Fone Software", a top Internet directory for software resources. Get more great software tips and tricks at:

Free Software Evolution Information

Free Software Evolution Information by: Rafael Sosa
As Internet connections become more permanent with broadband access, software will be able to evolve into a more efficient and personalized medium. Currently, most software run from our hard drives and require installations that alter our system configurations, many times slowing down our computers. Because software occupies space and processing power, there is a limited amount of software that can run in our PCs. On the business side, current software systems require many companies to produce a system of distribution (Compac Discs), customer support, and is usually not compatible with all customers, thus limiting its customer base further.


A software evolution is ocurring and it is going to benefit both customers and businesses immensly. Software will no longer come as a packet that needs to be installed on a PC, but rather it will be completely Web based. Web based software will become the default way of reaching customers. Customers will have advantages such as, using unlimited amount of software, using applications regardless of where the person is or which computer he/she is using, software can be personalized and upgraded to meet specific needs to each individual. Businesses will be able to, reduce costs, reach a larger customer pool, taylor its software to diverse markets, repair bugs more rapidly and easily, understand its customer and the way they use their software, etc.

In order for this software revolution to occur in whole, there needs to be a central point. Like Miscrosoft’s DOS in the 80’s, which became the standard choice of operating system to centralize and organize our computer operations, there needs to be an online operating system. As of now, Microsoft has built an empire because of its vision and their dominance in the OS market. However, now there is a window of opportunity to take a large chunk of that empire and possibly eliminate Microsoft’s monopoly of the Operating System. While there are many companies and organizations (Apple, Linux, Lindows) out there trying to take a bite out of Microsoft by competing on the same turf, PC users are accostumed to Windows and will most likely not switch. The opportunity to eliminate this monopoly is to create an Online Operating System. PC users will inevitably move completely online.


An Online Operating System will be the central point of every user in the future. There are online companies who have an inside advantage to this, such as Yahoo!, Google, and AOL, but it can be anyone’s medal, even to a fairly unknown competitor, as was Microsoft when they introduced DOS to the world. In this new concept of Operating System, there can be a larger space of diversity and can be shared by more companies, unlike the current status.

SyokTv.Net Best LiveTv Streaming tv1,tv2,tv3,Astro ria in malaysia

This site is a FREE online tv streaming from Malaysia. What is online radio streaming?

SyokTV is a leading provider of live p2p streaming technology that enables broadcasters, Content Delivery Networks and Webcasters to maximize the scalability of their internet broadcasting without increasing risk or cost.

SyokTV's technology allows the internet to become a viable infrastructure for delivery of rich media content. It eliminates the success penalty that is normally associated with internet broadcasting.

By forging partnerships with experts in streaming media, SyokTV offers broadcasters anything from simple installations to complete end-to-end solutions to support streaming audio and video.

SyokTV provides our clients with a cost effective broadcasting platform far superior to current streaming methods.

SyokTV has developed the Intelligent Content Delivery (ICD) platform that enables the streaming of live TV, radio and events over the Internet without incurring a penalty when the audience grows.

The Internet's usefulness as a broadcasting medium is at present limited by its main shortfall, that every user costs the broadcaster more money. To manage this cost, broadcasters normally limit their maximum audience size meaning potential participants are simply denied access to the broadcast. In addition, broadcasters often reduce the quality of their broadcast, as lower quality broadcasts require less bandwidth. Serious broadcasters simply do not consider the Internet as a viable platform to rival terrestrial, cable and satellite as the cost model penalises success and massive scalability is simply not achievable.

SyokTV's ICD platform uses grid technology to distribute live video and audio streams. The grid network harnesses the resources of its users to relay the stream to other users. Using this approach, as the audience grows so do the resources available to distribute the stream.

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